活动预告 | 首届欧洲爵士音乐节即将在粤举行 First European Jazz Festival in Guangdong

Author: Kristof Van Cauwenberghe

活动预告 | 首届欧洲爵士音乐节即将在粤举行 First European Jazz Festival in Guangdong


We proudly announce the biggest European music event in the whole of South China this year: The first ‘European Jazz Festival’ in Guangdong! And all the concerts are admission FREE! BUT, First come, first serve!

号外!号外!由荷兰、德国、瑞士、挪威、意大利、法国、波兰和奥地利八国驻广州总领事馆联合主办的首届欧洲爵士音乐节即将开幕啦!重点是:音乐节期间所有音乐会,都!免!费!对, 你没听错!不过,座位有限,先到先得!

 Jazz festival

With joint efforts, eight European Consulates General in Guangzhou have worked diligently and enthusiastically to bring this first of its kind event to our beloved Pearl River Delta.


From March 28 to 31, 2019, eight renowned jazz bands



Bernd Ammann

奥地利 Austria,


Butter in My Brain

法国 France,


Jullian & Roman Wasserfuhr

德国 Germany,


Duo Marco Vezzoso Alessandro Collina

意大利 Italy,


Kika Sprangers Quintet

荷兰 the Netherlands,


Espen Berg Trio

挪威 Norway,


Michal Milczarek Trio

波兰 Poland


Claude Diallo & Patrick Bianco 

瑞士 Switzerland


will bring compelling European jazz vibes to the cities of Guangzhou, Foshan, Zhongshan, Zhuhai and Shenzhen



Who are they 他们长啥样?

jazz vibes 

Where and when? 人物有了,时间和地点呢?如下:

Schedule English


schedule Mandarin

How to get a ticket for the Opening Concert 开幕音乐会怎么报名呢?

The grand Opening Concert will be held on March 28 at the Xinghai Concert Hall in Guangzhou. Register for this event by sharing this article on your WeChat moments and scanning the following QR-Code

QR code

欧洲爵士音乐节开幕音乐会将于328日在广东省星海音乐厅举行,届时音乐会将免费对公众开放。重要的事情(只)说三遍:免费!免费!!免费!!!报名方式so easy: 关注本公众号在朋友圈分享本文扫下面的二维码报名。Done!

Please show your registration code and the post on your moments upon entering the venue. Tickets are unfortunately limited – so you better be fast in order to jazz!



How about the other events 其他场次音乐会如何报名


Fully contributed to the idea of European street festivals, all concerts are free of charge, no tickets or registration needed.


Last but not least, thanks to all our partners and sponsors, the JZ Club Guangzhou and the Guangdong Xinghai Concert Hall for their great support. In particular thanks go to the Department of Culture and Tourism of Guangdong Province and Guangdong Public Diplomacy Association for their kind support. Thanks also to the Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra for their advice and all who have contributed to make this festival possible. Thank you!

最后我们要诚挚感谢本次音乐节的合作方-广州JZ Club和广东省星海音乐厅对本次活动的大力支持,以及音乐节所有的赞助商们。我们要特别感谢广东省文化和旅游厅、广东公共外交协会的支持和帮助,感谢广州交响乐团提供宝贵的建议和意见。谢谢所有支持和帮助本次音乐节的朋友!谢谢您们!